2 oz. Organic Wood Wax
2 oz. Organic Wood Wax

2 oz. Organic Wood Wax

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Handcrafted in Indiana since 1986, made "by Family, for Family"

Produced in small batches for consistency + high quality
Hand-poured + individually weighed

We use only the finest locally-sourced organic ingredients
Silicone and petroleum free, no artificial coloring, harsh silicones, or by-products

Our Amish Craftsmen Organic Wood Wax is all-natural with food-safe ingredients.
Suitable for all wood surfaces and furniture, kitchen cutting boards, butcher blocks, wood countertops,
kitchen cabinets, wooden bowls, trays, utensils and pure components that even safely rejuvenate wooden children's toys.

The natural properties of this organic wood wax paired with its pleasant citrus scent will bring your wood pieces to life! Offering your wood moisture and protection while also enriching and beautifying the natural wood grain.

Apply liberally with your fingers or with a soft, lint-free cloth.
Allow time for the wax to saturate and penetrate the wood before lightly buffing the surface.
The more frequently your wood item comes in contact with water, the more frequently you should apply Amish Craftsmen Organic Wood Wax.

Amish Craftsmen Organic Wood Wax is available in 2 ounce and 4 ounce options.

Our Amish Craftsmen Organic Wood Wax is a perfect companion to our other polishes.

If you have questions, concerns, or comments please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.

*Please keep in mind that shipping through hot climates, particularly in summer months, may result in extra soft wood wax. Your Organic Wood Wax will firm up once it reaches room temperature. Due to the natural nature of coconut oil and beeswax, cooler environments will produce a firmer consistency and warmer environments will produce a softer consistency.

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